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Humility & Adaptability

Understanding the relationship between #EmpoweredHumility and #adaptability is an essential concept in the path to successful endeavors in life. Life is a continual flow of #change. Pressure to adapt is inherent in the biology of a species and its relationship to the earth. Each creature on the earth has a unique opportunity to cultivate skills through effort to achieve the #balance of adaptability in every moment. Adaptability is not about #survival alone. It can be seen in the #HierarchyOfConsciousness as a skill that evolves our creative ability to feel, think, and manipulate our concept of self in order to attain greater contentment and security in #TimesOfChange. To be effective at the kind of #adaptability that brings creative opportunities for fulfillment one must harness the state of empowered humility.

#EmpoweredHumility is a balanced approach to one’s role in any given moment of perceived success or setback. It requires the observation and trust in one’s own power to affect circumstance and the observation of circumstance affecting oneself. It combines the recognition that we do not have dominion or power over anything but ourselves and we must decide how to use that power. #HealthyHumility reminds us that it is acceptable to be affected by something outside ourselves, whether that is the earth, society, or close connections with other individuals. Self-empowerment is the #balance that keeps us safe from losing or giving away our power in the demands of circumstance that require humility. Excess humility decreases our sense of potency in the capacity to affect the world and others. This understanding cannot be avoided or taken to extreme assertion.

The human mind constructs and deconstructs #PerceptionsOfSelf, others, and the world continually. This foundational template can be hewn and refined gracefully when the concept of empowered humility is practiced and embodied. An individual’s adaptability to each arising circumstance, whether new or old patterns of living and being, will sustainably expand with the application of #EmpoweredHumility. Creative #versatility then has opportunity to #evolve and shift the outcomes of circumstances we exist in individually and collectively. The experience of events happening “to us” will no longer trap us in a place of submission or rebellion only, but resonate deeply into the well of our will to grow and persevere with the integrated awareness of our own power to #CreateChange in ourselves, thus effecting circumstance by our orientation to it.

The state of empowered humility is a key component of all forms of change within self and how we seek to use our power to succeed in our endeavors. Empowered humility enables #diplomacy and co-creative solutions to share the conscious power we cannot deny within ourselves. Acknowledging one’s own internal strengths and weaknesses, those of others on our path, as well as in the circumstances we find ourselves, sets the stage to share power or attempts to take power. To be clear, when empowered and in full knowing of self-potency, power can only be taken if it is given over willingly, but even this is an illusion. All power of self returns naturally when one acknowledges their own ability to have power over oneself. The sense of empowerment does not arrive because of our witnessed affect on others or circumstances. It arrives when we witness our own #AbilityToAdapt to circumstances in a way that fortifies our relationship to our strengths and weaknesses through empowered humility and #CreativeSolutions. Many times, the reward is in the labor not the outcome.

The journey through life is an experience of the self interacting with the environment. To acknowledge oneself on this path of growing adaptation and evolving potential for creativity in consciousness is an act of #SelfLove and #SelfCompassion. Understanding that we all have power to share in this process of constructing and deconstructing perceptions of self, others, and the world expands our capacity to effect change and creative opportunities for #sustainable fulfillment. This requires empowered humility. #DefineThePowerWithin you and listen deeply for the opportunities to adapt oneself in these #TimesOfChange with #compassion and #diplomacy. Resolve the illusion of disparity and refine your capacity for #InnovativeSolutions that align with individual and collective fulfillment.

Excerpts from the Writings of Julie Hightman

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